A place your dog can come to feel safe, secure, meet and play with friends and enjoy companionship while under the experienced supervision of passionate doggy loving humans.

During the Day
Our friendly staff will welcome you and your beloved canine into our extended family; we strive to cater for all individual needs (and wants).
Our indoor facilities ensure the dogs stay as clean, dry and comfortable as possible. We have a range of furniture for the dogs to play and sleep on, and toys such as milk bottles, tuggies and dog toys for the dogs to play with.
We let the dogs choose if they want to rest or play, the centre is their place. Other entertainment ranges from playing fetch through to dunking for treats in the paddling pool (in Summer).

Age of Dogs
We will happily look after any age of dog, from baby puppies through to the most senior of companions, and including any convalescing dog. We have separate areas for different sized dogs so your pet can play with dogs their size, and areas for new dogs allowing them to acclimatise to the environment slowly without being too intimidated.
We also are happy to feed your dog lunch if you wish us to, or if you're too busy in the mornings we can feed them breakfast. Also if you would like your dog to have a nap during the day, we have areas where they are able to sleep without being disturbed by the activities of the other dogs.